Posts in Family
Henry's Birth Story

I went back and forth on whether or not I should share this, but I just kept coming back to the fact that I wanted to write it down before it all started to disappeared with the rest of my brain. That, and I loved reading other people’s birth stories leading up to our big day. I especially loved reading the positive ones - so I could go into the whole ordeal with a strong mindset. Which is something I find really important. Those stories helped keep me focused on what a miracle it all really is instead of how scary it could be. I will preface this by saying - EVERY birth story is amazing. If literally everything went “wrong” in your eyes, but you got to hold your little one at the end - that is beautiful. It’s all so incredibly beautiful. Which is why I wanted to share.

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What I Packed in my Hospital Bag

I was an insane nester. I pretty much took nesting to the next level, and I suppose I should have expected that considering I come by it naturally. I organized everything I could possibly organize in our home, and when that was finished, I began obsessing over having the most perfectly packed hospital bag. I scoured the internet for checklists and opinions, and finally came up with what I thought I needed. Below you’ll find the stuff we actually used - so you don’t have to do all the leg work searching the internet at 2AM (you should sleep instead - although we all know that’s easier said than done).

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Henry's Classic Birth Announcement by Papermoss

Ok, first let me just say that I know letterpress can read as a bit much for a birth announcement. But ya’ll, I waited a long time for this moment, and I wanted to shout it from the rooftops in true Abby Capalbo style. Which totally calls for letterpress. Plus I love that it’s a keepsake, something we can display or frame, or something I can hold in my hand and cry over when he goes to college. All very important. I knew I wanted to work with my good friend Emily at Papermoss (she also did our wedding invites which were stunning!) - so the minute we announced we were expecting, Emily started working away.

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Newborn - 4 Month Old: Baby Gear You Actually Use

Now that Henry is past the 4 month mark (and I am somewhat out of the newborn fog) I find myself looking back at the first time parents we were just months ago and wanting to give them a hug. And a high five. And maybe a bottle of champagne. Those first few months are no joke. It’s a crazy, wonderful, emotional time. When I do take a moment to think about those tender first months, I’m so proud of us. All of us. Andrew, Myself, Henry, Otto & Clementine. We all hit the ground running, celebrated small victories, and snuggled a lot. We survived, and sometimes we made a meal. We laughed a lot and cried a lot. But mostly we just thanked God for this beautiful little boy.

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