Posts tagged Cocktail
Festive Holiday Cocktail - Gin & Thyme Fizz

We are at crunch time, folks. And crunch time calls for a cocktail - am I right? Sometimes you just need to blow off your to-do list entirely, whip up something festive and bubbly and slow the heck down. And this fun, fizzy, festive little number will do just the trick. Served with my favorite gin (ok, the only gin I actually drink) - Barr Hill - this is one smooth way to get through the holidays! Ho, ho, ho!

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The Almost Healthy Winter Elixir Cocktail with Republic of Vermont Raw Honey

We have this amazing little cafe in our area called The Beehive. It’s pretty adorable and the food is on point. They make this amazing tea concoction they call the Winter Elixir., and I get throughout the winter whenever I’m feeling like my immune system could use a boost. Being that it’s March in New England, I think everyone’s body could use a good dose of this right about now. I actually called them up so I could make it at home from time to time, and it’s surprisingly pretty simple! A little homemade ginger mint tea, some delicious Raw Honey from The Republic of Vermont and fresh lemon juice, and this drink will do your body good. We also don’t judge if you want to add a little shot of bourbon - we hear it will warm you right up!

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Cranberry, Elderberry Spritz with Runamok Maple Syrup

Spring cocktails are happiness in a glass. There is absolutely nothing like the first sip of a yummy cocktail on the patio after a long winter, and I have just the recipe for such a special occasion. Now, it's important to know, whenever I plan on serving a cocktail I make sure it only has a few ingredients - because who wants to sit in the kitchen mixing all night while your friends are enjoying themselves on your dream cocktail + patio evening? Well this little bubbly sipper is so easy you could do it in your sleep (or after a few perhaps), but they are fun and festive enough to make the evening feel special. Tip: the elderberry maple syrup from Runamok Maple is what really makes this spritzer shine. 

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