Easy Al Fresco Entertaining

The weather is WEIRDLY warm today in New England. It's the kind of day that I'm kind of sad about because in the back of my mind my brain is thinking about our pretty little planet, and how this just can't be a good sign.  And I'm a snow lover. And February should mean snow. But alas, i'm also someone who tries to make the most out of situations, so it also has me craving some good old fashioned outdoor time. So you can bet your bottom dollar that I will force some al fresco time this evening. 

I don't care how many blankets, sweaters and patio heaters it takes - we will eat outdoors, gosh darnit! Fresh air is just so good for the soul. And you gotta love a little winter dose of vitamin D. 

Whenever I get the urge to eat outside at the last minute, I just remember a two little things - the food doesn't need to be fancy, and being warm is key. I love breaking out the grill for some homemade pizzas or just whipping up a super fun antipasto platter for everyone to dig into. And of course, wine is always a super important ingredient.

Anyone else joining me outdoors this afternoon? Or will am I the only crazy person that things 50 degrees is barbecue weather? You can tell me.