When it comes to the beach, I'm totally a hat girl. I would like to say it's because I'm super careful about SPF (which I am, but I definitely slip up from time to time) but really, it's because I like to look somewhat pulled together even if I've been swimming the day away or running around chasing my friends' kiddos (I don't sit still very well...). Hats just save the day in so many ways. I tend to favor the more traditional variety (shocker), which I think is very apparent in my selections below.
Read MoreI love a summer dress. They are without question my favorite things to purchase, and to me, the most comfortable thing to wear when bopping around during the summer months. It never fails, the second the temps start to rise in the spring, I start the search for this years' warm weather wardrobe staples. Shopping carts across the internet are currently filled to the brim with my finds (and tend to sit there for some time), so I thought I would share some beauties I currently have my eye at the moment.
Read MoreSummer in New England is magic. I think we have all established that fact. There is just nothing quite like it. The air is sweet and the blooms are plentiful, and you just seem to wash away all memories of those rainy (cold) spring months (March & April, I'm talk to you). Another thing I love about summer in this little region of ours is there are SO many places to soak up those sweet, fleeting months - and for me, Nantucket has always been high on that list.
Read MoreBrimfield is a magical little (ok, not little at all) flea market in Massachusetts that attracts people from all over the country, and for good reason, it's kind of a mecca for hidden treasures. If you haven't been, I highly recommend taking the trip during one of the three weeks they are open in the summer (the first being next week - May 9 - 14th). But I will say, it can be a tad overwhelming to a newbie. And when I say a tad, I mean totally overwhelming.
Read MoreBut Otto is a big dog, and when he sleeps - he grows. I swear. There have been times where my dear husband slept on the foot of the bed because Otto just couldn't be bothered to move (manners aren't his speciality). We knew we wanted to upgrade to a king for this very reason, but just never pulled the trigger until Joss & Main knocked on our door. I'm such a fan of their website because they are wonderfully affordable and stylish at the same time. So partnering up with them for a little master bedroom refresh was an exciting opportunity.
Read MoreThe second the temperature hits 50 degrees here in New England my brain immediately goes to a serious closet switch-a-roo. Packing away the puffy coats and freeing all the color that was hiding in my closet for months - the gingham, florals and pastels - it's such a lovely feeling. Although, since getting this handsome little number for Otto's spring look - I've realized I should be careful when walking out of the house. I'm not sure if playing twinsies with your dog is appropriate at my age...
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